Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday's harvesting

  1. I find some great website with English exercises and I don’t even blink while doing some of them during work time.
  2. It's almost dark when we leave the garden with a pile of red carrots pulled out of the ground and two handfuls of dried blossoms to be used for next year's seeds.
  3. Bedtime with Pippi Longstocking,  »Pippi goes to a coffee party«. Pippi makes a promise to Annika and Tommy:"... I have noticed several times that people don't think I know now to behave even when I'm trying as hard as I can. At sea we were never fussy about things like that. But I promise that I'll take special pains today so you won't have to be a ashamed of me.« I like it that she says »people don't think I know hot to behave« and not »people think I don't know how to behave«. Because Pippi knows. And she will only make extra effort for her friends’ sake.  

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