Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday's happy twists and turns

Another morning and I am late for work. I walk hastily towards the daycare centre holding Jay’s hand in mine when I remember Neza Maurer’s poem:

Drobne prstke imam,
da se mame držim.
Dokler ne zrastejo,
se ne spustim.

I have tiny fingers
holding on to my Mom.
Until they grow bigger
I won't let go of her hand.

The wind is rustling in the treetops so loudly I can hardly hear myself walk over dead leaves. But then the path descends to the other side of the hill and it’s like leaving a battlefield behind and entering a shelter in the middle of the woods.

The story has a twist and I can’t wait to read on. I can’t remember the last time I was so excited about a book.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Keeping me warm on a cold Tuesday

  1. I open my e-mails and find a message from my friends abroad, the exact people I was planning to write to.
  2. Hot white chocolate with coconut and a friend to talk to.
  3. I come home late and find my girls wearing pyjamas and reading from a children's magazine in the big bed. They have just learnt a poem about ducklings for me.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Thursday gifts

I start my 29-Day Giving Challenge. The book I read a few weeks ago, was really inspiring. It’s been a great day to give!

Jay is inspecting her face very closely in the mirror.
“What beautiful teeth I have… I don’t have any pimples…!”
(That comes from having a bigger sister.)
“Becca has got a pimple on her nose!”
“How do you know it’s a pimple?”
“She told me!”
What more can I say…?! I laugh.
Jay is 4 years old. Becca, her best friend in daycare, is also 4.

There is a beautiful card with a young woman standing in a field of lavender in my mailbox. And I remember Provence ’96.